Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's Been a Long Time...

It's been almost two months since I've posted pictures. It's because there haven't been too many exciting things going on here in South Dakota. We go up to Rapid City every 2 or 3 weeks and take the girls to their indoor swim complex. They have a total blast and we can never get them out of the water. They've even started going underwater without any encouragement from Kevin or me. Elise and Linnaea started going to morning preschool on February 1st, and they like it. It's a block and a half away, so I walk them there at 8am and pick them up at 11:30 and we walk home. Almost every morning I have to force them to get dressed to go. They take after Kevin in that they are quite happy playing around the house in the their pajamas. But when I pick them up I have to force them to come home with me, so I know they like being there. Since they are in preschool I have had the opportunity to volunteer at the elementary school. I LOVE it! I've observed/helped in 5th and 3rd grade classes and go to the kindergarten class every Thursday. Kindergarten is a lot more work but I just love being there and getting to know the kids. I am so excited to get my classes done and get started teaching, but I'm expecting it to be another 1 1/2 years plus a semester of student teaching. I am so happy I've made the decision to go back to school for elementary education.

Well, here's a few pictures of us hanging around the house:

We were supposed to be putting stickers on ornaments but thought we'd see how they would look on our own faces.

My first attempt at French braiding Elise's hair. She let me try one more time after this but I have not been able to talk her into letting me practice any more than that.

Working on the puzzle Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Tim gave us for Christmas. We will do all 4 puzzles in about 45 minutes without any help from mom!

This is how Linnaea makes me do her hair sometimes. Two ponytails with two different colored rubber bands and two barrettes to match on each side.

Goofy sister time!

Linnaea is working on one of the Valentine's crafts from Grandma and Grandpa.

Elise paints her Ariel suncatcher, also a Valentine's gift from Grandma and Grandpa.

We made these curly crowns one day when we were bored.

My little girl who loves fancy shoes and dresses. By the way, Elise and Linnaea decided about a month ago that they would switch favorite colors. Elise's favorite color is now purple and Linnaea's is now pink. Elise insists on wearing all of Linnaea's purple clothes and using her purple things. I don't know how long this is going to last.

Linnaea in her ballerina costume and Elmo slippers.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm glad that there are other picky girls out there. Abby insists on either wearing all matching colors, or having no colors the same. Just recently she has started saying she doesn't want to wear any "boy" colors.
I need to take the kids swimming sometime, but it's hard to want to do that when I hate swimming myself.