Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas Things

Getting ready to make cookies!

Elise insisted on leaving ALL the carrots we had for the reindeer.

Linnaea takes a picture of me taking a picture of her and her new camera.

Linnaea wrote her name for the first time.

Elise dresses up her new doll and wears her own ballerina outfit to match.

Elise washes dishes in their new kitchen.


Carolyn said...

Great new pics of the munchkins. Can't believe Linnaea wrote her name!! And little Elise always has something on her forehead...haha!

Emily said...

Neat kitchen! I never get over how big and cute the girls are. Abby is starting to obsess about being a ballerina...!
PS I am in two book clubs now! One with my church, interesting, and one with young moms my age, fun!