Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

We've had more snow in the past 4 days than we have had in the past 4 months. We were all prepared to go to our town's Easter Egg Hunt and wade through the snow to find eggs when we learned they had moved it to the high school gym. And I wouldn't really call it a "hunt" as much as I would call it a "scramble," as they just lay out eggs all over the gym floor and the kids run for them. Luckily the hunt was divided into age groups and it was fun to watch all the different ages race to get eggs. Elise even won a prize of a stuffed bunny and is very proud of it.

Elise with the basket Grandma and Grandpa sent.

Elise's 3 eggs. She has never really cared for hard boiled eggs until this week. I guess coloring them really makes a difference.

Linnaea watches over her 3 eggs.

Linnaea scrambles for some eggs...

...and Elise takes her time.

Elise examines her loot.

Linnaea got up the courage to sit with the Easter Bunny.

She says "Listen, Bunny, we need to talk."

Elise and her prize bunny.

The girls strain their arms hoisting up their baskets.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

They scrambled all over the gym floor?! You funny Waldenors. Elise looks so proud of her purple bunny & Linnaea is so brave to sit with Easter Bunny. Great stuff Amy.