Monday, March 16, 2009

Words and More

I am having a lot of fun teaching Elise and Linnaea words, letters, and feelings. They each know about 6 or 7 letters and can sing the first 4 of the alphabet. They absolutely love hearing me sing, which totally baffles Kevin, as my voice is one of the worst singing voices he has ever heard. But my darling children seem to be enchanted by it and continuously ask for more songs, which makes me feel so good inside. They have started to sing along with the Do Re Mi song and My Favorite Things from "The Sound of Music." I put in the movie set to "songs only" and they are completely thrilled to see the songs performed for them. You can set it to "sing along" where the words appear on the screen, and can I tell you how happy I am to finally see the words to the Lonely Goat Herd song?

I also had an amusing conversation with Linnaea at the park on Saturday. It went like this--
Me: "What are you eating?" Her: "Dirt!"

She and Elise also like to point out when people are crying in books. Their work for it is "cuck" and then they say "sad". Linnaea also likes to tell me whenever she is stuck, which sounds like "Guck!"

Well, no pictures this time as Kevin has taken the laptop with him for a week long training in Glenwood Springs. I forget how to load and convert photos on our desktop and really don't feel like trying to figure it out again. It's already 40 degrees this morning so we're going to get over to the park and enjoy the clear blue sky!


Unknown said...

Oh, My, Goodness Amy. If we were there we would be having so much fun with you. Naomi loves singing too and I love the sound of music.

That is hilarious about the dirt comment. Naomi still does the showing us her nose, head, ears, eyes, mouth, knees, and more. She is learning new words all the time.

My friend Erin just gave birth to twins. I am so happy for her. She has twin boys though. Do you have any recommendations that I could pass on to her? Her husband is fighting in Iraq.

That's awesome about the weather there. We got outside today too. It was in the 50s here. She loved it so much she had a tantrum when we had to finally come in. Bye for now with love.

Emily said...

I come home from work every once in a while to see a new "lesson" on Abby's chalkboard. One day Jon had the Abc's and some numbers on the board. Then the other day was a picture of a boy and a girl. It's so cute!