Monday, September 21, 2009


Here in Walden we prefer to skip the fall and go straight into winter. When they forecasted snow for today I was actually excited, but I didn't think we'd really get any. I thought we'd have to drive about 25 minutes up to Cameron Pass to let the girls play. But when we woke up this morning we had about 3 inches on the ground! When I told Elise and Linnaea that we had snow last night, they ran out of their room like it was Christmas morning. They were SO excited. We scarfed our breakfast and ran out to play (well, after we located all of our gloves, hats, and snow boots that we played with all summer so they were all over the house).

Elise tries to catch a snowflake on her tongue.

Linnaea gets a ride in the sled. They actually pulled this sled out of the garage last week and were using it as a "boat."

Mommy gets talked into giving a double ride.

Elise was smiling the whole time outside.

What's a snowy day without hot chocolate? Linnaea says "I blow it."

Elise enjoys her hot chocolate.

On a separate note, we switched the girls to toddler beds last week, which just means we took the front part off of their cribs. The nights have been going very well, but naps have been horrible. They are constantly out of their beds playing with clothes, swinging on the bar in their closet, and stuffing things into the diaper pail. At first Elise kept ending up sleeping on the floor, but she has stopped doing that now.

1 comment:

Leah said...

so cute, Elise sleeping on the floor! I can't believe you have snow! We have just been thankful it's been staying in the upper-eighty's, a good break from melting 90's! So fun, I'm glad you are all enjoying it!