Well, the summer has finally arrived. Last week we started getting temperatures above 80 for the first time this year! It hasn't been hitting 80 every day, but we get above 75 and we are loving every minute. It feels like we have so little summer left already. We go outside every chance we get. As a result, the house has gotten a bit messy. Day care is going well. When I first started dropping the girls off, they barely paid me any attention because they were so excited to be there. They always cried on the way home because they didn't want to leave their friends. However, this past week Elise has started to cry when I drop her off, and Linnaea has been "clingy" while at the Child Center. But the whole point of them going is to gain some independence, so hopefully these are just short term issues.
Last weekend we went to the Wildlife Refuge again. It's our favorite spot because they have a nice boardwalk that the girls love to walk on. Also it's only 10 minutes away and it is good to have some place to go to besides the park. Some pictures below are from there.
On Sunday we went to our town's annual parade. Elise and Linnaea LOVED it. It started with about 20 people riding horses, and had a bunch of floats with people throwing candy. Even the Shriners came! What's a parade without the Shriners? Kevin was cornered into dressing as Smokey the Bear. He was a real hit! Tons of people wanted their picture taken with him. Later that afternoon we went to our first rodeo. It was really neat. We got there in time for Steer Roping, Barrel Racing, and Bull Riding. Afterwards they had a kids' rodeo, where Elise and Linnaea each roped a chicken and won a dollar. They loved it!
Whenever I bring out the markers for coloring, Linnaea has more fun putting all the tops on her fingers.
Linnaea enjoying the view at the wildlife refuge.
We all had fun sitting down for a minute.
Our new jungle gym.
Linnaea always says she needs help getting to the top. Elise is willing to give her a push.
Standing at the fence, watching the water flow through the ditch. It's irrigation season, so the mosquitos are out in full force.
This is the table they are NOT supposed to climb on.
At the end of the parade. In the background are the other twins in town.
That is the coolest smoky bear and family that I have ever seen.
love it! Roping chickens???!?!!
That's a much cooler set of slides than Abby has. Her slide is so short her legs are longer than it so there is practically no slide at all.
Abby loves markers. We got her the pip squeaks and they're so much fun!
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