Thursday, March 5, 2009

Are We There Yet?

We have been having lots of fun finding things to do in the house this winter. Not really. Actually, we've had 3 or 4 days of 50 degrees or higher this past week, which is REALLY exciting. We've been able to go to the park again, although the playground and swings are surrounded by enormous puddles from the melting snow. But we brought the stroller out from the garage and have used that to visit the park, and boy, what a treat it has been. We're already planning some camping trips for the summer and just can't wait.

Elise and Linnaea are at the cutest stage now. Well, every stage is the cutest, right? They love to repeat everything we say, and Linnaea constantly tries to have conversations with us while we have no idea what she is saying. They were very much into hot and cold last week, and love to tell us when something is cold (milk, ice) and hot (bath, oven). They are also extremely into telling us which objects belong to who: Kevin apparently owns the ketchup, cokes, and all the hats, jackets and shoes. I own the phone, the toilet, and the kitchen chairs. They also love the characters on their diapers. For those of you who don't know, Pampers diapers are decorated with Elmo on the back, and a different Sesame Street character such as Big Bird, Ernie, Cookie Monster, or Grover on the the front. They get so excited about who is on their next diaper!

We've been on a few trips to Steamboat Springs to visit the indoor playplace at McDonald's. Those trips are quite fun. We do a little shopping at the Safeway in the racecar cart, then head over for some play time and a cheeseburger at McDonald's. However, it is an hour away so we only get to do that every 2 weeks or so.

Elise love to put on her backpack, shoe, and hat to go around the house.

A glimpse of my new haircut. I'm not sure my hair has gotten used to being short yet.

Elise watches Sesame Street in Linnaea's easy chair.

Elise reads Mommy's book about toddlers. She wants to know when she should start potty training.

I tried to get a nice, natural photo of Linnaea, but I ended up getting 4 in a row of her cheesy fake smile.

Elise can put away some food.

This is how they insisted on being dressed to play in the house. Elise is upset because I won't show her the photos on the camera.

Elise likes to wear her bath towel around the house in the mornings.

The girls "help" Mommy with the dishes.


Carolyn said...

Hmmm, hard to see the haircut girlie. We're gonna need a full shot before forming any opinions. LOL! Just kidding, it looks cute from what I can see!

Emily said...

I can't believe the girls have so much hair compared to Abby! It's cute. Abby's is getting there though!

Unknown said...

I love the pictures. Awesome.

Cool haircut.

Leah said...

hat, boot, backpack... ready for the world, huh? who needs two shoes!!!

We're having a cold-front this weekend, everyone is excited that we can open the windows for the 75 degree air!!! I know, it's just rude bragging. Maybe you should come visit and experience for yourself???