I thought I'd tell you a little about the what the girls really enjoy doing these days.
Weight: 25 pounds, 4 ounces
Height: 34"
Hair color: Still dark brown, but it has a golden sheen in the sunlight
Favorite Food: Anything! She is our little garbage disposal. She particularly enjoys graham crackers, carrots, broccoli, and yogurt.
Favorite word: Mama and any animal sound. She just learned juice (ju jush) and the sign for bunny.
Hobbies: include (but are not limited to) being carried by mommy, reading, running, watching Sesame Street, building blocks, "talking" on her cell phone, hiding, having her back tickled, and eating anything that mommy is eating.
Weight: 28 pounds 11 ounces
Height: 32 1/2"
Hair Color: still light brown
Favorite food: Peas, peas, and peas. And anything hidden in the spoon underneath a mound of peas.
Favorite word: Bye. She just learned juice (ju jush), baby and cracker (ca ca).
Hobbies include: Taking baths, dressing herself and putting shoes on, drinking juice, stealing Linnaea's diaper while mommy is changing Linnaea, stealing Linnaea's juice, hiding her spoon under her high chair tray then doing the sign for "where" and asking "ga?" (for go?), playing in the snow, carrying books and baby dolls around, using an adult fork at mealtimes, and testing her limits.
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