Friday, September 26, 2008

Rocky Mountain High

Two weekends ago we got invited over to Kevin's boss's house for a Swedish dinner. We had a yummy meal and afterward we went out to his hay meadow and enjoyed the sunset. His wife is a professional photographer and she took these wonderful photos of our family and we are so happy to share them with you.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Day in the Life of the Kovacs Twins

I bet some of you wonder what life is like with two 15-month old girls. So I'll tell you! We usually wake up between 6:30 and 6:45 am. Once, they even slept until 8:00 am which was on my birthday--the best birthday present ever! We eat breakfast about 7:15 or so, which is usually a fruit (bananas and strawberries are faves) and oatmeal. After that I clean up the kitchen and try to get an hour's worth of work done. So I ask the girls if they want to watch a Baby Einstein and they run into the TV and wait for me to start it. There favorites are On The Go, all about planes, trains, boats, and cars, and Baby MacDonald, A Day on the Farm. They are REALLY into animals right now. Farms and ranches surround our town, so we walk by horses, cows, and roosters and they LOVE it. I usually work from about 8:00 to 9:00 am, and I can usually hear them running around about half way into it. Usually Linnaea loses interest in the video but Elise will sit there the whole time. After that we get dressed into playclothes and have a snack. They love cottage cheese mixed with fruit or yogurt with honey. Then we walk over to one of the parks in town. Once we went to the wildlife refuge outside of town and saw 3 moose. That was pretty exciting. This usually tires them out and makes them hungry for lunch, which is at about 11:30am, followed by a nap between 12 and 12:30. They average about 1 1/2 hours per nap, sometimes 2 if I'm really lucky. This is when I eat lunch and get some more work in. When they wake up we have an afternoon snack, which is usually cheerios with milk. If we didn't make it to the park in the morning, we'd go now. Or we'll run to the grocery store to pick up items we go through quickly, like milk and eggs. Sometimes we'll walk to get our mail at the post office, and stop by the library on the way home. This brings us to dinner time, which is a long part of the day because Elise and Linnaea eat first, about 5-5:30pm, while we wait for Kevin to get home which could be anywhere from 5:30-7:30pm. After they eat, we eat. Then every other night they get a bath, which is a favorite thing to do. They LOVE their bath. This is followed immediately by bedtime, about 7-7:15pm.

They are learning all sorts of words and signs now. They both say mama and bye, and Linnaea knows quack. They know the signs for bath, milk, all done, and are learning toothbrush and more. I think Elise is going to be a botanist because she is very interested in bushes. She always goes up to bushes and tries to get all the way to the inside of the them. They also love slides and swings, and there are a few short slides at the parks they can go on by themselves.

So that is a day in the life. It sounds easy, doesn't it? Sometimes it is. Sometimes not so much :-).