This is the video of Linnaea's first crawl. We got the camera in time for the end of it, but you'll see how far she went. Elise is making some valiant efforts but still hasn't got the hang of it.
Other Likes: Standing, squealing, standing, jumping. Oh yeah, and standing.
When she grows up she is going to be a: Scientist (Kevin is determined that one of them will be and Elise already picked out a profession)
Elise Chloe Kovacs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Teeth: still 2
Favorite food: Anything not green
Favorite Song: Knick Knack Paddy Whack
Favorite thing to say: Da da da da da da da
Favorite Hangout: Wherever Linnaea is
Other Likes: Eating, chewing on a pacifier (every part of it but the actual thing you are supposed to suck on), and watching Linnaea.
When she grows up she is going to be an: Acrobat. Two days ago she tried to jump off the bed and Kevin caught her by the hand. She was dangling all cliffhanger style.
We ate a lot of food, especially cookies and sweet treats made by Kevin’s mom. Elise and Linnaea were adored by all. In the two weeks we were there, Linnaea mastered pushing herself to sitting, crawling, and pulling herself up to standing. She even takes little baby steps when holding on to a coffee table or couch. Elise is happy sitting in the middle of a blanket watching Linnaea do all the work. She has her two middle bottom teeth and Linnaea has those plus one top tooth. They are now both in the “da-da-da” phase, after last week’s “ba-ba-bas”. They really enjoyed playing with wrapping paper and bows. They got some really cute clothes and lots of toys. They are enamored with their Leap Frog activity table, their barnyard animals that make noises, the goat that sings, and their Ugly Dolls.
After the Kovacs left, our friends Jonathan and Lisa flew in from Boulder, CO. They hadn’t seen the girls since July so it was really exciting for them to see how much they have changed. We were ambitious one day and went to the Florida Aquarium to see fish, sharks, and sea dragons. Elise loved every minute but Linnaea was a bit cranky and ended up taking a nap. Other than that we did a lot more eating and even had a successful attempt at Indian food one night.
Daddy drives the Corvette! Uncle Jonathan and Elise; Auntie Lisa and Linnaea.